
慈 濟 大 學 醫 學 資 訊 學 系

誠 聘 專 任 教 師

一、徵聘職級: 助理教授級以上之教師。

二、應徵資格: 博士或助理教授以上。

三、經  歷: 具業界實務經驗尤佳。

四、知識技能: 程式能力、醫學應用。


  • 研究:影像處理、醫學應用。
  • 教學:影像處理、人工智慧、機率與統計、醫資數學、網頁程式設計、 計算機概論、科技論文寫作、臨床決策分析(並協助校院生醫資訊課程教學) 。
  • 服務:系上與學校相關服務。

六、系所簡介:https://mi.tcu.edu.tw 可參閱相關課程規劃與系所發展方向。


個人簡歷(附照片)、自傳(500字以上)、教師證書影本、學位證書影本及成績單(持國外學歷者,需經駐外單位驗證)、服務經歷影本、著作目錄、學位論文及已發表著作、 3 封推薦信函、擅長科目之教學大綱以及對未來教學研究生涯的規劃。

※來函請寄至以下地址: 97004 花蓮市中央路三段701號     慈濟大學 人事室收


Faculty Positions

Department of Medical Informatics

Tzu Chi University


Department of Medical Informatics of Tzu Chi University cordially invites researchers and scientists to apply for full-time faculty positions at the Assistant, Associate, and Full Professor levels. Candidates should hold a Ph.D., with specialty in information technology and profession in biology or healthcare. For more information concerning teaching missions and research directions, please visit our web site https://mi.tcu.edu.tw.

Department of Medical Informatics of Tzu Chi University is the first medical informatics department in Taiwan. We provide an undergraduate program (since 2002) and a Master program (since 2004). The department also takes Ph.D. students from the institute of Medical Sciences of Tzu Chi University (since 2006). We have successfully provided an outstanding teaching and research environment for the interdisciplinary study of medical informatics.

All nationalities are welcome. Applicants should submit the following documents: a complete curriculum vitae, a plan of research and teaching, a publication list (including reprints of representative publications), a copy of graduate diploma and transcript, and letters from three referees. The documents should be addressed to:

Personnel Office,

Tzu Chi University,

No.701, Sec. 3, Jhongyang Rd.,

Hualien City, Hualien,

Taiwan, R.O.C.
